Step into the past with a retro review roundup of the iconic Mortal Kombat 1. Join gaming enthusiasts as they revisit the gory glory of this classic and explore its enduring legacy in the world of fighting games

Hey there, fellow gamers! Remember the good old days when your trusty SNES or Sega Genesis controller was your weapon of choice, and the words “Finish Him!” sent shivers down your spine? Well, dust off your nostalgia goggles because we’re diving into a retro review roundup of the classic, the iconic, Mortal Kombat 1!

A Blast from the Past

Close your eyes and imagine it’s the ’90s. Arcades are buzzing with excitement, and the pixelated fighters of Mortal Kombat are challenging you to a duel. Fast forward to today, and we’ve got a lineup of reviewers ready to take us on a trip down memory lane.

The IGN Take: A Gory Classic

IGN kicks things off with their review, and boy, do they take us on a journey. They reminisce about the game’s groundbreaking visuals (for its time) and the shockwaves it sent through the gaming world with its brutality. It’s like visiting an old friend and marveling at how far you’ve both come.

The Game Informer Experience: Gory Glory

Next up, Game Informer jumps into the ring. Their review is a testament to Mortal Kombat’s lasting legacy. They delve into the game’s historical significance, highlighting how it paved the way for future fighting games. It’s like uncovering a hidden gem in your attic and realizing its true value.

Push Square’s Perspective: PS5 vs. Retro

Now, let’s switch gears to the present. Push Square’s review adds a twist by examining Mortal Kombat 1’s recent release on the PS5. They explore the contrast between the modern gaming experience and the retro charm of the original. It’s like comparing your beloved classic car to a sleek, new model.

Gamerant’s Retro Revisit: Timeless or Tarnished?

Lastly, Gamerant dives deep into the Mortal Kombat 1 experience. They ponder whether the game has stood the test of time or if it’s showing its age. It’s like reuniting with your first love and questioning if the magic is still there.

The Contrasts and Comparisons

Now, let’s step back and consider the bigger picture. Mortal Kombat 1 is more than a game; it’s a time capsule that takes us back to the dawn of the fighting game genre. The reviews draw comparisons between the gaming landscape of the past and the present, highlighting the evolution of gaming technology and the enduring appeal of classics.

The Fan’s Perspective

As gamers, we’re like time travelers, and Mortal Kombat 1 is our time machine. These reviews let us relive the days when “Sub-Zero wins” was music to our ears. It’s a reminder that while graphics and gameplay may change, the thrill of competition and the joy of victory remain constants.

Conclusion: Finish Him…Again!

So, there you have it, a journey through the world of Mortal Kombat 1 as seen through the eyes of different reviewers. It’s like flipping through an old photo album and reminiscing about the good times. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a newcomer curious about gaming history, Mortal Kombat 1’s retro reviews offer a delightful trip down memory lane.


  1. Gamerant
  2. IGN
  3. Game Informer
  4. Push Square

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