starfield naked npcs

So, I was cruising through the vast expanse of Starfield the other day, minding my own interstellar business, when I stumbled upon something that, let’s just say, was a little more… revealing than I expected. And no, it wasn’t a hidden alien civilization or a secret space weapon. It was naked NPCs. Yep, you read that right. Stark naked, in the middle of space, without a care in the world.

Now, I’ve seen my fair share of game glitches over the years. Floating characters, invisible walls, you name it. But this? This was something else. I mean, come on, it’s space! It’s cold out there! At least, I assume it is. I’ve never actually been, but you get the point.

Dexerto and The Loadout have both highlighted this rather… cheeky bug. Players from all over have been sharing their encounters with these uninhibited NPCs, and the reactions have been a mix of amusement, confusion, and a touch of second-hand embarrassment. I mean, imagine you’re on a critical mission, ready to face off against a deadly space pirate, and there they are, in all their glory, just casually strolling by. Talk about a mood killer.

But here’s the thing: while many of us are having a good chuckle over this unexpected surprise, it does raise some questions. How did this happen? Was it an oversight? A rogue developer having a bit of fun? Or maybe, just maybe, it’s a super-secret Easter egg that we’ve yet to figure out. Okay, probably not that last one, but hey, a gamer can dream.

Now, I’ve been gaming for a good while, and I’ve got to say, this is one of those moments that’ll go down in history. Years from now, we’ll be telling the next generation of gamers about the Great Starfield Streak of 2023. They’ll roll their eyes, of course, but deep down, they’ll wish they’d been there to see it.

On a more serious note, while this glitch is certainly entertaining, it does highlight the challenges of game development. Creating a game as vast and complex as Starfield is no easy feat, and bugs are bound to slip through the cracks. But that’s what patches are for, right? Here’s hoping the team at Bethesda gets our space-faring friends some clothes soon. It’s only a matter of time before space fashion becomes a thing, and these NPCs are going to want to be ahead of the curve.

So, fellow gamers, next time you’re out there among the stars, keep an eye out for our naked friends. Give them a wave, snap a screenshot, and remember: in space, no one can hear you laugh.


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