Crafting the Painterly Art Style in Eternal Strands

In an exclusive interview with IGN First, the art director Sebastien Primeau and lead character artist Stephanie Chafe provide insights into the distinctive and colorful art style of the highly anticipated game, Eternal Strands. The team delves into the guiding principles of the art direction and the creative process behind developing the game’s unique visuals.

According to Primeau, the art direction aimed to capture the scale and architectural elements of the game, which features gigantic 25-meter tall creatures and monsters. Inspired by the work of architect Hugh Ferriss, the team focused on reflecting the grandeur of these creatures in the environment’s vegetation and trees. Chafe adds that the art style embraces a bright and colorful palette, challenging the artists to create a vibrant and lively world.

The term “painterly” is used to describe the art style of Eternal Strands. Primeau explains that it refers to the rough brushstrokes and fresh, unique look of the game. Drawing inspiration from impressionist painters, the team aimed to create an art style that is both fresh and distinct. Chafe also highlights the hand-painted approach taken in creating character assets, emphasizing the use of strokes and textures to achieve a unique visual style.

The colorful nature of Eternal Strands is intentional, with the team carefully balancing the color palette for each level to create a distinct identity. The lighting plays a crucial role in enhancing the colors and overall mood of the game. Primeau acknowledges the significance of lighting, particularly with the implementation of Unreal Five’s Lumen, which has added richness and depth to the color and overall visual composition.

When discussing inspirations for the art style, Primeau mentions European graphic novels and the League of Legends short film “RISE” by Fortiche Studio as key influences. Chafe draws inspiration from games such as Golden Sun, Persona, and Hades, as well as visual novels, which demonstrated the emotional impact that 2D images can have when accompanied by compelling narratives.

The art team’s collaborative effort and dedication are evident in the creation of Eternal Strands. The iterative process led to the evolution of the game’s protagonist, Brynn, to embody the qualities of a courageous and cool adventurer reminiscent of Indiana Jones. The team also embraced experimentation when designing other characters, such as Oria, a giant bird mentor, reflecting the freedom they had in populating the world of the Enclave.

While the art style presented challenges, such as breaking away from previous artistic molds and finding a balance between realism and stylization, the team’s creativity and commitment ultimately resulted in the creation of a visually stunning and unique world in Eternal Strands.

As the release of Eternal Strands draws closer, fans can anticipate immersing themselves in its painterly art style and vibrant landscapes. The IGN First coverage provides an exciting glimpse into the artistic vision and craftsmanship behind this highly anticipated game.

– IGN: “Crafting the Painterly Art Style in Eternal Strands – IGN First” – Explores the art direction and visual design of Eternal Strands through an interview with art director Sebastien Primeau and lead character artist Stephanie Chafe. Provides insights into the guiding principles, inspirations, and challenges faced by the art team during the development of the game.

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